Submission Details

ID: f1efc530-7f0c-4c17-9397-60e5909e12fb

Status: Accepted Submission and File

Timestamp: 2022-12-30 22:32:28 UTC

Original filename: Screen Shot 2022-12-30 at 4.31.07 PM.png

New filename: f1efc530-7f0c-4c17-9397-60e5909e12fb.png

Privacy: false

Website name: Etsy

Website url:

Website type: shopping

Website type other:

Visible: false

Challenge time: 0

Challenge attempts: 0

Accept terms: true

Challenge description: Nothing visible on the log-in page

Additional description: It's on the page - but hidden via CSS. This keeps coming up as a thing, and I'm not yet sure what to make of it (without it being too tin-foil hat like)