Submission Details
ID: caba7214-41d7-4ceb-825a-c9b6ab1b5f4b

Status: Accepted Submission and File
Timestamp: 2023-01-17 00:13:38 UTC
Original filename: Screen Shot 2023-01-16 at 6.12.51 PM.png
New filename: caba7214-41d7-4ceb-825a-c9b6ab1b5f4b.png
Privacy: false
Website name: Justia
Website url:
Website type: reference
Website type other:
Visible: true
Challenge time: 0
Challenge attempts: 0
Accept terms: true
Challenge description: Notice in footer, but no challenge
Additional description: Also unclear what would actually be protected by reCAPTCHA - there's not really any forms or other input on the page... other than the search box and the email signup?