Submission Details

ID: c7c476d7-871d-4046-82f6-7158b1f49963

Status: Accepted Submission and File

Timestamp: 2022-09-02 23:20:24 UTC

Original filename: Screen Shot 2022-09-02 at 6.15.40 PM.png

New filename: c7c476d7-871d-4046-82f6-7158b1f49963.png

Privacy: false

Website name: NPR News

Website url:

Website type: news

Website type other:

Visible: false

Challenge time: 0

Challenge attempts: 0

Accept terms: true

Challenge description: I could not find any forms with a reCAPTCHA, or any mention of reCAPTCHA visible on the page.

Additional description: I looked at the "View Page Source" view of the website and did a search for 'reCAPTCHA' to try and find the element that triggered the extension (honestly partially out of concern that it wasn't working as expected.) The page does have a <div> with class "grecaptcha-badge" which would display in the bottom right corner, but this is hidden with CSS. It's within that <div> that the <iframe> with title "reCAPTCHA" is hidden away.