Submission Details

ID: c34d9263-47c0-4b79-9af8-0f4ad8e0a7d5

Status: Accepted Submission and File

Timestamp: 2022-08-26 18:25:25 UTC

Original filename: Screen Shot 2022-08-26 at 1.24.17 PM.png

New filename: c34d9263-47c0-4b79-9af8-0f4ad8e0a7d5.png

Privacy: false

Website name: ICANN Registration data lookup tool

Website url:

Website type: technology

Website type other:

Visible: true

Challenge time: 5

Challenge attempts: 1

Accept terms: true

Challenge description: Identifying traffic lights in an set of images

Additional description: Interestingly, the reCAPTCHA challenge ends up taking over a *lot* of the web page.