Submission Details
ID: b1b46491-54bd-441f-8a3a-0abb3785024e
Status: Accepted Submission and File
Timestamp: 2023-02-19 18:07:00 UTC
Original filename: Screenshot 2023-02-19 at 12.05.53 PM.png
New filename: b1b46491-54bd-441f-8a3a-0abb3785024e.png
Privacy: false
Website name: Dollar Shave Club
Website url:
Website type: shopping
Website type other:
Visible: false
Challenge time: 0
Challenge attempts: 0
Accept terms: true
Challenge description: Nothing visible on the page on initial load
Additional description: The screenshot is taken after I opened the "Inspect Element" console and found the <div> with class="grecaptcha-badge". Its CSS was initially set to "visibility:hidden" but once I disabled that CSS rule I was able to see the logo, though obfuscated in the bottom right corner.