Submission Details
ID: 68add777-5beb-4e0f-9d68-94814073390a
Status: Accepted Submission and File
Timestamp: 2022-08-20 13:43:02 UTC
Original filename: Screen Shot 2022-08-20 at 8.41.04 AM.png
New filename: 68add777-5beb-4e0f-9d68-94814073390a.png
Privacy: false
Website name: Kryptonite Anti-Theft Protection Offer
Website url:
Website type: sports
Website type other:
Visible: true
Challenge time: 5
Challenge attempts: 1
Accept terms: true
Challenge description: Simple "I'm not a robot" checkbox without an additional challenge
Additional description: The first form page didn't actually have the reCAPTCHA on it - it was only at the very end of the form on its second page after clicking "Next." However, the browser URL bar showed that it seemed to technically be the same page - so likely just some JS magic or something similar to display the form in two parts