Submission Details
ID: 571d1fa9-23c6-4b2c-aa7a-8957fb11298f
Status: Accepted Submission and File
Timestamp: 2023-02-13 17:10:22 UTC
Original filename: Screenshot 2023-02-13 at 11.09.39 AM.png
New filename: 571d1fa9-23c6-4b2c-aa7a-8957fb11298f.png
Privacy: false
Website name: Polygon
Website url:
Website type: news
Website type other:
Visible: true
Challenge time: 0
Challenge attempts: 0
Accept terms: true
Challenge description: There's a small message below their newsletter signup
Additional description: It's unclear if this only applies when you click to submit an email address, or if the page is always watching.