Submission Details

ID: 1471c57a-0af1-4563-a15a-78c84ee8d83e

Status: Accepted Submission and File

Timestamp: 2023-04-03 18:33:03 UTC

Original filename: Screenshot 2023-04-03 at 1.30.36 PM.png

New filename: 1471c57a-0af1-4563-a15a-78c84ee8d83e.png

Privacy: false

Website name: U.S. Representative Brittany Pettersen

Website url:

Website type: government

Website type other:

Visible: false

Challenge time: 0

Challenge attempts: 0

Accept terms: true

Challenge description: The reCAPTCHA is hidden on the page, but when using the browser "inspect element" tool to disable the CSS that was hiding it, I see that it is a full checkbox challenge that was being hidden!

Additional description: I was on the page to fill out an "email unsubscribe" form, but the same page still has a form to sign up. Interestingly, the div class being used as a container for the reCAPTCHA looks to be custom - its name doesn't have any google branding or anythign like "g-captcha" so my guess is that this is custom built, and purposely hidden!